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The Necessity of Hunger Relief Programs

Food is a basic need and therefore, everyone needs to have access to it. A number of reasons make some people suffer from hunger. Some of the reasons include poverty and insecurity. Most of those people are malnutrition and some of them even die. Some people do not care about the people who do not have food which is a bad thing. However, there still exist some people who have a good heart. Such people try to help people who are affected by hunger through a number of ways. Food provision and growing of crops are some of the ways the good-hearted people help the ones suffering from hunger. Such people help those people through hunger relief programs. Below is a discussion of some of the advantages of hunger relief programs.

Hunger relief programs help in the identification of people who do not have food. A lot of people assume that since they have food, other people also have food which is not the case. A number of difficulties are experienced when identifying people who do not have food. Hunger relief programs make the process easy. It is very beneficial to find people who do not have food since hunger can kill.

Hunger relief programs help in the distribution of food to those people. Food is always available. However, a lot of people waste the available food. Food distribution is also not effective. Those programs help in the food distribution through collecting the food. Then the people running those programs look for ways in which the food will reach to the people suffering from hunger. Distribution to the specific people and families is also done by the runners of those programs.

For you to end hunger completely, you need to provide food for more than a day. It involves looking deep into the source of the hunger and then looking for ways to eradicate it. Since poverty is known as the main source of hunger, hunger relief programs aid in its eradication. People struggling with poverty do not have money to buy food or to finance growing of crops. The programs help such people in growing of crops. Planting of different crops is a long term solution to hunger. Economic growth of countries affected by hunger is enhanced through these programs.

Money is given to the affected people through these programs. When you provide a meal for one day, you have not helped a person. Hunger relief programs collect money from volunteers and give it to people suffering from hunger to buy food using it. Giving money helps since giving a lot of food may lead to food spoilage since some of the stored food may get spoiled due to long storage time. Some of the reasons why hunger relief programs are beneficial are discussed above.

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